
July 24-26, 2013
Newcastle, UK


Call for papers





Workshop on Home Usable Privacy and Security (HUPS)


Wedneday, July 24, 2013 - Place: Northumbria Building 324

9:00am Welcome and opening remarks
"Accelerating innovation in technologies for the home"
Ratul Mahajan (Microsoft Research)
10:15am Break
Session A: People
Chair: Lujo Bauer (CMU)

A-1 (10 min): The User IS the Enemy, and (S)he Keeps Reaching for that Bright Shiny Power Button!
Stuart Schechter (Microsoft Research)

A-2 (10 min):Empowering Consumer Security and Privacy Choices
Tamara Denning and Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington)

A-3 (10 min): Authentication in the Home
Elizabeth Stobert and Robert Biddle (Carleton University)

A-4 (30 min): Discussion

Noon Lunch break
Session B: Access Control
Chair: Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington)

B-1 (10 min): The Current State of Access Control for Smart Devices in Homes
Blase Ur (Carnegie Mellon University), Jaeyeon Jung and Stuart Schechter (Microsoft Research)

B-2 (10 min): Policies in Context: Factors Influencing the Elicitation and Categorisation of Context-Sensitive Security Policies
Shamal Faily, John Lyle, and Ivan Flechais (University of Oxford), Andrea Atzeni and Cesare Cameroni (Politecnico di Torino), Hans Myrhaug and Ayse Goker (AmbieSense Ltd), and Robert Kleinfeld (Fraunhofer FOKUS)

B-3 (10 min): Under control: Requirements for access control for personal data
Michelle L. Mazurek, Lujo Bauer, and Gregory R. Ganger (Carnegie Mellon University) and Michael K. Reiter (University of North Carolina)

B-4 (30 min): Discussion

2:00pm Break
Session C: Privacy
Chair: Rainer Böhme (University of Münster)

C-1 (10 min): DigiSwitch: Who is viewing my daily activity?
Robyn Evans (Indiana University - Bloomington), Kay Connelly (Indiana University- Bloomington), Kelly Caine (Clemson University), and Kalpana Shankar (University Colleague Dublin)

C-2 (10 min): PETs in Your Home --- How Smart is That?
Stefan Korff (University of Münster , Department of Information Systems)

C-3 (10 min): The Valuation of Smart Metering Privacy
Dipayan Ghosh, Jubo Yan, William Schulze, Dawn Schrader, and Stephen Wicker (Cornell University)

C-4 (10 min): . Read My Lips: Towards Use of the Microsoft Kinect as a Visual-Only Automatic Speech Recognizer
Peter McKay, Bryan Clement, Sean Haverty, Elijah Newton, and Kevin Butler (University of Oregon)

C-5 (40 min): Discussion

3:50pm Closing discussion (30 min)


[plain text]

The HUPS workshop is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to discuss research challenges and experiences around the usable privacy and security of smart homes (e.g., home automation systems; smart appliances in the home; smart meters; domestic healthcare devices).

See important dates below.

Submission Deadline: June 9, 2013, 5pm PDT
Notification Deadline: June 15, 2013 5pm PDT
Anonymization: Papers are NOT to be anonymized
Length: < = 6 pages excluding bibliography and appendices
Formatting: Use SOUPS MS Word or LaTeX templates
Submission site:
More guidance: Read this CFP in detail and see the common pitfalls document
Workshop Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The workshop seeks two types of original submissions: (1) short papers describing research outcomes and (2) position papers describing new research challenges and worthy topics to discuss in all areas of usable privacy and security of smart homes. Submissions should relate to both human factors and either privacy or security in smart homes.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • potential security attacks against in-home technologies and their impact on residents
  • access control for home data sharing (e.g., photos, documents)
  • access control for shared data among neighbors (e.g., smart meter data, security camera data)
  • user authentication on devices in the home
  • understanding user privacy concerns/expectations regarding sensing and inference systems in the home
  • designing privacy notifications for recording devices in the home
  • user testing of home security or privacy features

Short papers may cover research results, work in progress, or experience reports focused on any workshop topic. Papers should describe the purpose and goals of the work, cite related work, and clearly state the contributions to the field (innovation, lessons learned).

Position papers present an arguable opinion about an issue. A position paper may include new ideas or discussions of topics at various stages of completeness. Position papers that present speculative or creative out-of-the-box ideas are welcome. While completed work is not required, position papers should still provide reasonable evidence to support their claims.

Workshop papers will be available on the SOUPS website (if chosen by the authors), but will not be included in the ACM Digital library. This means that the works will not be considered peer-reviewed publications from the perspective of SOUPS/HUPS and hence should not preclude subsequent publication at another venue. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work at the workshop.


We invite authors to submit the following types of papers using the SOUPS 2-column formatting template (available here for MS Word or LaTeX):

Submissions should be 1 to 6 pages in length, excluding references and appendices. The paper should be self-contained without requiring that readers also read the appendices.

All submissions must be in PDF format and should not be blinded. Papers should be submitted using the electronic submission system:

Authors are encouraged to review: Common Pitfalls in Writing about Security and Privacy Human Subjects Experiments, and How to Avoid Them.

User experiments should follow the basic principles of ethical research, e.g., beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the individual), minimal risk (appropriateness of the risk versus benefit ratio), voluntary consent, respect for privacy, and limited deception. Authors may be asked to include explanation of how ethical principles were followed in their final papers should questions arise during the review process.

Email inquiries to: or


The HUPS workshop committee is pleased to announce that we will provide travel support to graduate students or post-doctoral scholars who otherwise have financial hardship to attend the workshop. The travel support is sponsored by Microsoft Connections. The amount of support depends on the type of attendee and available funding but we expect to support at least 3 to 5 students. Qualified attendees are encouraged to apply and a priority will be given to students who submitted a paper to the workshop.

How to apply: Email by June 9, 2013 5pm PDT with the subject [HUPS student travel grant application] and provide a few paragraphs on how the workshop would benefit you and your research, as well as how the community would benefit from your involvement in the workshop. Please indicate whether you have submitted a paper to HUPS and if so include the title of the paper.

Notification: Submissions will be reviewed by a committee. We will respond by June 15, 2013 5pm PDT. Note that travel grant awards *partially* cover the cost of attending HUPS. The only reimbursable expenses are air travel, hotel and SOUPS/HUPS registration. The amount of support provided may vary.


Paper submission deadline - June 9, 2013, 5pm PDT
Notification of paper acceptance - June 15, 2013 5pm PDT


Lujo Bauer | Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Rainer Böhme | Universität Münster, DE
A.J. Brush | Microsoft Research, Redmond
Tamara Denning | University of Washington, USA
Jason Hong | Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Jaeyeon Jung | Microsoft Research, USA (co-chair)
Tadayoshi Kohno | University of Washington, USA (co-chair)
Anmol Sheth | Technicolor, USA