Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security
Ethical Considerations Examples
SOUPS Papers should mention how the authors addressed any ethical considerations applicable to the research and user studies, such as passing an IRB review.
Example descriptions of ethical considerations:
- This study was approved as a minimal risk study by our university's IRB.
- Study participants were debriefed after the study to make them aware of the deception used in the study and to inform them of how they could protect themselves had this been an actual phishing attack. This study, including our use of deception and subsequent debriefing procedure, was approved by our university's IRB.
- Our organization does not require human subjects review.
- According to the rules of our institution, this study did not require IRB approval because all human subjects data was gathered from previously-published publicly available data sets.
SOUPS 2011 is sponsored by Carnegie Mellon CyLab