SOUPS 2008 was held at Carnegie Mellon.
SOUPS poster photos by Richard Conlan
SOUPS photos by Patrick Kelley
SOUPS 2008 - Jen and Tina at registration desk with SOUPS poster
SOUPS 2008 - SOAPS workshop
SOUPS 2008 - SOAPS workshop
SOUPS 2008 - SOAPS workshop
SOUPS 2008 - lunch in NSH atrium
SOUPS 2008 - lunch in NSH atrium - Andrew Patrick
SOUPS 2008 - lunch in NSH atrium - Mark and Anne from National Federation for the Blind
SOUPS 2008 - Kami presenting at USM workshop
SOUPS 2008 - USM workshop
SOUPS 2008 - Kami presenting at USM workshop
SOUPS 2008 - poster session
SOUPS 2008 - PK discussing his poster at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Patrick, Aleecia, and Steve at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Patrick, Aleecia, and Steve at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Patrick and Steve with their poster at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Christina, Jaanus, and Ahren with their poster at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Christina, Jaanus, and Ahren with their poster at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Hazim and Josh with their poster at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Simson with his poster at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - food at the poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Serge with his sandwich board poster
SOUPS 2008 - Serge discusses his poster with John and Blaine
SOUPS 2008 - Serge discusses his poster
SOUPS 2008 - Rob's sandwich board poster
SOUPS 2008 - Rob's goes for the see-through effect with his poster
SOUPS 2008 - Patrick tests Rob's poster with a mirror
SOUPS 2008 - Rob and Serge with sandwich board posters
SOUPS 2008 - Rob and Serge with sandwich board posters
SOUPS 2008 - Rob and Serge with sandwich board posters
SOUPS 2008 - poster session
SOUPS 2008 - poster session
SOUPS 2008 - poster session
SOUPS 2008 - people reading Serge's poster at poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Seraphin and Jorge discuss Rob's poster at poster session
SOUPS 2008 - Stuart makes a face at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Phillip and Maritza at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Alex, Daniel, and Jerry at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Chez and Robert at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Carl and Rich at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Kami and Rob at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Alex, Daniel, Jerry, Patrick, and Maya playing Go-Fish at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Nina running through the conversation at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Maya playing Mousetrap with lots of friends at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Rob with CUPS card at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Rob gets lab coat at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Rob tries on lab coat at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Rob tries on lab coat at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Rob tries on lab coat at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - Rob tries on lab coat at the SOUPS party
SOUPS 2008 - SOUPS soap
SOUPS 2008 - SOUPS soap in elegant green bag
SOUPS 2008 - keynote speaker Ross Anderson
SOUPS 2008 - keynote speaker Ross Anderson
SOUPS 2008 - keynote speaker Ross Anderson
SOUPS 2008
SOUPS 2008 - keynote speaker Ross Anderson
SOUPS 2008 - morning break
SOUPS 2008 - morning break
SOUPS 2008 - Patrick on balcony
SOUPS 2008 - Patrick on balcony
SOUPS 2008 - panel
SOUPS 2008
SOUPS 2008 - Mez moderates the panel
SOUPS 2008
SOUPS 2008 - Phillip speaks on panel
SOUPS 2008 - arriving at SOUPS dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - arriving at SOUPS dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Tina and Jennifer hand out drink tickets at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - on the patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Tyler, Jason, and Bryan on the patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - on the patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Mez on the patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - tables setup for dinner
SOUPS 2008 - tables setup for dinner
SOUPS 2008 - green ducks on dinner tables
SOUPS 2008 - reception before dinner
SOUPS 2008 - Blaine and Lukasz at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Gene, Jose, and Bob at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Januus, Christina at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - reception at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Reception at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Serge and Janice at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Serge with beer at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - SOUPS reception at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Chuck at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Phillip at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Phillip, Chez, and Simson at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - I want that green duck! Jason, Elizabeth and Sonia at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - green duck with tag
SOUPS 2008 - Eiji, Daniel and Jerry at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Phillip stacking ducks at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Elizabeth stacking ducks at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Sonia stacking ducks at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Elizabeth, Sonia, Phillip play with ducks at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Phillip, Chez, and Simson with ducks at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Elizabeth and Sonia at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Elizabeth and Sonia at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - duck on beer bottle at dinner at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Simson on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Simson on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Chuck on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Ehab on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Chuck and Ehab on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Luke and Stefano on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Andrew Patrick on patio at Phipps
SOUPS 2008 - Kami taking questions after her presentation
SOUPS 2008 - Kami taking questions after her presentation
SOUPS 2008 - Philip presenting the SOUPS best paper
SOUPS 2008 - Jose presenting his paper
SOUPS 2008 - Jose presenting his paper
SOUPS 2008 - Lukasz makes a point during the IRB discussion session
SOUPS 2008 - IRB discussion session
SOUPS 2008 - A show of hands during Atul's talk
SOUPS 2008 - Atul presents his paper
SOUPS 2008 - Atul takes questions after presenting his paper
SOUPS 2008 - ice cream social
SOUPS 2008 - ice cream social