05-436 / 05-836 / 08-534 / 08-734 Usable Privacy and Security
Homework 9
Print your homework out and submit it in person at the start of class (3:00pm) on Thursday, April 9th. Homework will not be accepted after 3:00pm on that day.
- Part 1 (60 points): The usability evaluation in the "Why Johnny Can't Opt Out" paper was conducted in the summer of 2011. Perhaps the usability of these tools has changed in the last three years; perhaps it hasn't. Download and install one of the tools listed below (or, for DAA and Evidon, use their website):
Task 2-A: Perform an expert-based review, such as a cognitive walkthrough of the tool. Please read Section 10.3.1 of the Lazar et al. "Research Methods" text for background on these types of reviews. Create a table listing and briefly explaining the usability problems you identify.
Task 2-B: Make a bulleted list of suggested improvements.
Task 2-C: Write 1--2 paragraphs describing what you think are the usability strengths and weaknesses of the tool.
Task 2-D: Compare the strengths and weaknesses you found to those listed for that tool in Table 1 of the "Why Johnny Can't Opt Out" paper. Have things changed?
- Part 2 (40 points): Create 4--8 powerpoint (or equivalent) slides that would form the introduction, background, and methodology of your group's final project presentation. Note that each member of your team should do this independently for the homework. Print out your slides with one slide per side of a page so that we can give feedback in the margins. Please do not email us your presentation.
- Part 3 (9-unit students should not do this part. 12-unit students will receive between 0 and 30 points for this part): Write a 3--7 sentence summary and short "highlight" for one optional reading assigned for each of the following classes (2 optional readings total): April 7th and April 9th.