Don't forget to properly cite all sources (including assigned readings) and include a bibliography with all homework assignments.
Reading assignment: September 24-Oct 1 readings
1. [20 points] 12-unit students: Read and write a summary and highlight of one optional reading paper. After each summary (in a separate paragraph) provide a "highlight" for that chapter. This can be something new you learned that you found particularly interesting, a point you would like to discuss further in class, a question the chapter did not fully answer, something you found confusing, a point you disagree with, or anything else you found noteworthy.
2. [35 points] Read about a a privacy-related class action lawsuit, privacy-related FTC enforcement action, or a privacy-related enforcement action from another regulator (e.g. state attorney general, national privacy commissioner).
3. [30 points] Pick a country other than the U.S. If you have lived outside the U.S., a country you have spent a lot of time in would be a good choice. If you haven't spent much time outside the U.S., pick a country that nobody in our class is from and for which you are able to find information related to the following points.
4. [35 points] In December 2012 the FTC amended the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule. They have subsequently made available a number of documents that provide guidance on COPPA compliance. The FTC last year announced that they were seeking public comment on a method for verifiable parental consent proposed by AgeCheq under the new COPPA Rule. Read about the proposed method as well as the FTC's method for verifiable parental consent proposed by AgeCheq under the new COPPA Rule. Read the FTC's Request for public comment and comment on questions 1, 2 and 3 posed by the FTC. Please prepare your answer as a letter to the FTC (but don't actually send it to the FTC). Please keep your responses to 1-2 pages.