8-533 / 8-733 / 19-608 / 95-818: Privacy Policy, Law, and Technology

Homework 4 - due October 24, 2013

Don't forget to properly cite all sources (including assigned readings) and include a bibliography with all homework assignments.

Reading assignment: October 10-October 24 readings

1. [25 points] Write a short summary of each of the required readings (3-7 sentences each - do not exceed 7 sentences!). 12-unit students: also read and write a summary of one optional reading paper. After each summary (in a separate paragraph) provide a "highlight" for that chapter. This can be something new you learned that you found particularly interesting, a point you would like to discuss further in class, a question the chapter did not fully answer, something you found confusing, a point you disagree with, or anything else you found noteworthy.

2. [25 points] Find a company that currently has a full P3P policy posted on their website (hint, some of the assigned readings and Privacy Bird for Chrome may be helpful). Use a P3P validator or other tool to check the syntax (if the validator is down, wait a few minutes and try again). Describe any syntax errors found (not warnings, just errors). Review the websites' privacy policy and the P3P policy. Does the P3P policy contradict the privacy policy? If so, explain. Provide at least three concrete examples of assertions in the P3P policy and how they match or contradict assertions in the privacy policy. Are there details that appear in the P3P policy or the privacy policy, but not both? Explain.

3. [25 points] Reflect on your visit to the CMU Biometrics Lab. Did you see any technology that raises privacy concerns, or any technology that helps address privacy concerns? Write a one-page essay discussing ways privacy is impacted by biometrics, approaches for mitigating biometrics-related privacy concerns, and where more research may be needed to better address privacy concerns.

4. [25 points] The table below contains information from the course roster for a hypothetical CMU class. Suppose some researchers were interested in finding out whether there was any correlation between grades in this class and student college, department, or class.

Note, Chpater 4 introduces the concepts you need. If you need further clarification, check out this blog post or for even deeper insights, the l-diversity paper.

SCS     CS      Junior
SCS     CS      Junior
SCS     CS      Senior
SCS     CS      Senior
SCS     HCI     Master
SCS     HCI     Doc
SCS     SE      Master
SCS     SE      Doct
SCS     ROB     Doct
CIT     ECE     Junior
CIT     ECE     Senior
CIT     ECE     Master
CIT     EPP     Junior
CIT     EPP     Doct
CIT     MSE     Senior
CIT     INI     Master
CIT     INI     Master
CMU     IS      Master
CMU     IS      Master
CMU     IT      Master
HNZ     PPM     Master
HNZ     PPM     Master
HNZ     PPM     Master